Comm Nas | About
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Solutions Backed by Integrity, Ability and Experience


To Be a Preferred and Highly Trusted Advertising Agency


To Provide Solutions that are Efficient and Cost-Effective, and Service that is Hassle Free, Reliable and Professional


Comm NAS was formed by three individuals who have extensive experience in the advertising industry. The founders are Normah, Ashrul and Suhardy, who between them has logged a total of over 55 years of experience in the industry.


The three of them have worked together for about ten years before in an ad agency. The trust and cooperation they enjoyed between them gave them the confidence to set up Comm NAS Sdn Bhd.


The main business of Comm NAS is as a media buying agency due to the great relationship the founders have built with media owners, especially the press over the years. In its founders, Comm NAS are also well experienced in a diverse range of advertising functions such as design and printing of collaterals, books, annual reports as well as production of TV commercials, radio commercials and corporate video.

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Press Ads

Display ads, classifieds or even banner adverts on the publication’s website.

Graphic Design

Our team of graphic designers provide professional graphic design services.

Design & Print

We also design creatively and print at competitive prices

Logo Design

Create a logo for your business with our creative team.